Young Study Group for Systems Biology (YSGSB)

Conferences, symposia and study groups can be both exciting and intimidating places for young researchers. Many of the talks will be in fields that you don’t have a firm grasp on and presenting your findings in front of famous scientists can be a terrifying experience. Meanwhile sessions on applying for grants seem less important than how you’re going to get your first job in or out of academia. This is what YSGSB are trying to address.

The first day of the conference (Tuesday 4 October 2016) will be especially for Master students, PhD students and PostDocs. We’ve organised a program of events tailored to the next generation of researchers in the hope of creating a relaxed, collaborative atmosphere that everyone feels comfortable in. The program is provided at no extra charge for everyone who registers for the main conference of the ISGSB 2016. The YSGSB day initiates the conference with a series of introduction talks on the session topics. These will provide background and context to the talks that occur later in the week and help you build your scientific network.

On the second day (Wednesday 5 October 2016) there will be a career session in the evening (at the moment at 19.00 in the Cafe Wagner). Young investigators can ask questions about their career prospects. A speaker from industry and a speaker from academia will give insight into the different options following a PhD, and what to expect from both.

Posters will be presented at the two poster sessions of the main conference.

We hope that you get a lot out of the activities we’ve planned and enjoy your time here. Current news and contact persons can be found in our Facebook group.

Welcome to Jena,

The YSGSB team
Kailash Adhikari, Sybille Dühring, Sabrina Ellenberger, Alexander Heberle, Sebastian Henkel, Franziska Hufsky, Dipali Singh, Agnieszka Wegrzyn


Wednesday, 4 October 2016

Lecture Hall 24

Time Item on the agenda Speaker
09:00 arrival + registration YSGSB
09:30 opening address
Session: Infection Modelling and Regulatory Interactions
Session chair: Sabrina Ellenberger
09:45 Infection Modelling Jana Schleicher, Jena/Germany
10:20 Regulatory Interactions Sascha Schäuble, Jena/Germany
10:55 coffee break (25 min.)
Session: Plant Physiology and Biol. Thermodynamics
Session chair: Sebastian Henkel
11:20 Plant Physiology Ruth Großeholz, Heidelberg/Germany
11:55 Biol. Thermodynamics Adélaïde Raguin, Düsseldorf/Germany
12:30 Lunch (90 min.)
Session: Opt. Principles, Multiscale Modelling and Metabolic Pathways
Session chair: Jan Ewald
14:00 Optimal. Principles Veronika Kopylova, Moscow/Russian Federation
14:35 Multiscale Modelling Agnieszka  Wegrzyn, Groningen/Netherlands
15:10 Metabolic Pathways Kailash Adhikari, Oxford Brookes University
15:45 coffee break (75 min.)
16:30 Registration ISGSB
17:00 Opening lecture ISGSB
A tribute to Reinhart Heinrich and mathematical modelling
 Tom A. Rapoport (Harvard)