Click here to download the list of posters.


Depending on their poster number, authors need to be present at their posters on:

  • Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 16:50-18:30: odd poster numbers
  • Thursday, October 6, 2016, 14:30-16:20: even poster numbers

Session 1 – Infection modelling

 P1 Modeling the host-pathogen interactions of macrophages and Candida albicans using game theory and dynamic optimization.
Sybille Dühring (Jena/Germany)
 P2 Dimensionality of motion but not receptor morphology governs affinity of receptor-ligand binding as revealed by molecular agent-based models.
Teresa Lehnert (Jena/Germany)
 P3 Iron redistribution after Candida albicans infection in the murine kidney.
Theresia Conrad (Jena/Germany)
 P4 Investigating Candida albicans resistance in whole-blood assays by virtual infection models using parallelized parameter estimation.
Maria Prauße (Jena/Germany)
 P5 Simulation of the dynamics of primary immunodeficiencies in CD4+ T-cells.
Gabriel Teku (Lund/Sweden)
 P6 Regulatory networks in the reponse of human monocytes to fungal and bacterial pathogens.
Michael Weber (Jena/Germany)
 P7 Mathematical Modeling of Plus-Strand RNA Virus Genome Replication to Identify Potential Drug Targets.
Carolin Zitzmann (Greifswald/Germany)
 P8 Influence of Vitamins A and D on long non-coding RNAs of human monocytes during infection with fungi A. fumigatus, C. albicans and bacteria E. coli
Konstantin Riege (Jena/Germany)
 P9 Comparison of differentially expressed genes in two human cell lines infected with Zaire and Reston Ebolaviruses.
Nelly F. Mostajo Berrospi (Jena/Germany)

Session 2 – Regulatory interactions and signalling

 P11 Large Scale Heterogeneities Create Massiv Metabolic and Transcriptional Responses in E. coli – Elucidating Regulatory Kinetics and ATP Demands.
Ralf Takors (Stuttgart/Germany)
 P12 Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin produce no significant effect on the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus (helveticus) NK-1.
Alexander Oleskin (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P13 Genome-wide gene regulatory network in the opportunistic human pathogenic fungi Aspergillus fumigatus.
Silvia Gerber (Jena/Germany)
 P14 Post-translational regulation of enzyme activity investigated by protein-protein docking: Sexual and parasitic communication of the fungal fusion parasite Parasitella parasitica.
Sabrina Ellenberger (Jena/Germany)
 P15 Polynomial parametric modeling of synthetic transcriptional circuits in S. cerevisiae.
Zhang Wei (Hangzhou/China)
 P16 Emergent Network Properties and Entrainment in the Mammalian Circadian Clock.
Christoph Schmal (Berlin/Germany)
 P17 A collection of mathemtaical models showing diauxic growth behaviour.
Andreas Kremling (Garching/Germany)
 P18 Enzyme kinetics within our GRASP: A sampling framework for unravelling the feasible dynamic behaviour of metabolic reaction networks.
Pedro Saa (Brisbane/Australia)
 P19 Modelling the glucocorticoid receptor dimerisation cycle.
Johann Rohwer (Stellenbosch/South Africa)
 P20 Modelling the stress response of the mTOR network.
Patricia Navas (Oldenburg/Germany)
 P21 Phase shifts and adaptations in glycolytic oscillations.
David van Niekerk (Stellenbosch/South Africa)
 P22 Mathematical analysis of cellular noise during bimodal competence development in Streptococcus mutans.
Sayuri Hahl (Garching/Germany)
 P23 Operating regimes and trade-offs in the CAND1-mediated regulation of SCF ligase activity.
Ronny Straube (Erlangen/Germany)
 P24 Facilitation in rat pyramidal neurons can be explained by a single mechanism.
Rikard Johansson (Linköping/Sweden)
 P25 Ultra-sensitivity in Signal Transducing Ring Assemblies.
Shahid Khan (Berkeley/United States)
 P26 Auto-correlation of high-precision NFkB oscillation data for dynamic mean population models of TNFa signaling.
Daniel Kaschek (Freiburg/Germany)
 P27 A phosphoproteome-wide mechanistic model of insulin signaling.
William Lövfors (Linköping/Sweden)
 P29 Synaptic and near-synaptic glycine transport. What is the reason to be different?
Kiril S. Zaytsev (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P30 Studying the effects of fructose on hepatocyte metabolism through HepatoDyn.
Carles Foguet (Barcelona/Spain)

Session 3 – Plant physiology and development

 P31 Metabolic balance mediates seed germination: a population wide integrative analysis of the effect of the environment and genetics on the link between seed metabolism and germination.
Aaron Fait (Sede Boqer/Israel)
 P32 Modeling phosphorus uptake of Chlorella vulgaris.
Ines Hotopp (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P33 Modelling metabolism of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
Dipali Singh (Oxford/Great Britain)
 P34 Dynamical modelling of the heat shock response in Chlamydomonas reinhartii.
Stefano Magni (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P35 Generation and experimental validation of the plant immune signalling network.
Ziva Ramsak (Ljubljana/Slovenia)
 P36 The many routes to blooming as outcomes of a divergent selection experiment for flowering time in maize.
Christine Dillmann (Gif sur Yvette/France)
 P37 Characterizing maize leaf mechanics through automated fitting of tissue swelling data.
Dirk De Vos (Antwerpen/Belgium)
 P38 Modelling of the fast brassinosteroid-regulated response pathway in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana including cell wall expansion.
Ruth Großeholz (Heidelberg/Germany)
 P39 Genome scale metabolic models of A. thaliana and C. reinhardtii helps to investigate energy dissipation mechanism under supra optimal light conditions.
Kailash Adhikari (Oxord/Great Britain)
 P40 Modelling carotene desaturation via phytoene desaturase (PDS).
Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek (Freiburg/Germany)
 P41 The Evolutionary Footprint in the Genes of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ovidiu Popa (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P42 Dynamical models of glucosinolate metabolism in plants.
Suraj Sharma (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P43 GemTox – Prediction of mixture toxicity using genome scale metabolic models.
Alexander Betz (Dübendorf/Switzerland)

Session 4 – Biological thermodynamics

 P44 FoF1-ATPsynthase proton transport modeling by quantum-mechanical approach.
Elena Mashkovtseva (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P45 Design Starch: Stochastic modelling of starch granule biogenesis.
Adelaide Raguin (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P46 Stochastic simulation modeling of proton transport through D‐channel in cytochrome c oxydase.
Stanislav Boronovskii (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P47 Reduction of patient temperature by iced water-gastric cooling – a systems biological approach.
Milan Brumen (Maribor/Slovenia)

Session 5 – Optimality principles

 P48 A quantitative structural measure for concentration plasticity in metabolism.
Jeanne Marie Onana Eloundou-Mbebi (Potsdam-Golm/Germany)
 P49 Towards robust, high-performance production strains: Constrained-based identification of strain designs leading to an optimally growth-coupled product synthesis.
Tobias Benedikt Alter (Aachen/Germany)
 P50 Cells Balance Enzyme and Metabolite Concentrations to Optimally Utilize their Compartments.
Martin Lercher (Düsseldorf/Germany)
 P51 A Minimal Model of Phototrophic Growth to Understand Resource Allocation in Cyanobacteria.
Marjan Faizi (Berlin/Germany)
 P52 Inferring model errors and unmeasured system states with incomplete models: The dynamic elastic net.
Maik Kschischo (Remagen/Germany)
 P53 Why Respirofermentation? Explaining the Warburg effect in tumour (and other) cells by a minimal model.
Philip Möller (Jena/Germany)
 P54 How introduce metabolite concentrations in constraint-based modelling: an example with the tomato fruit?
Christine Nazaret (Bordeaux/France)
 P55 Spatial distribution analysis of tree topology in arterial system model.
Veronika Kopylova (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P56 Model-based Optimal Control Design for Algal Bioprocesses: A Theoretical Study.
Matthias Reinecke (Jena/Germany)
 P57 Model-based Optimal Control Design for Algal Bioprocesses: An Experimental Study.
Tobias Weise (Jena/Germany)

Session 6 – Multiscale systems medicine

 P58 Zonation of hepatic fat accumulation under a high-fat diet: Modeling nutrient gradients and fatty acid uptake.
Jana Schleicher (Jena/Germany)
 P59 Large Systems Biological Models – Challenges and Solutions.
Clemens Kreutz (Freiburg/Germany)
 P60 Modeling liver volume regeneration with linear elasticity.
Daniel Ioan Cazacu (Bremen/Germany)
 P61 From genome-scale model predictions, via diverse “omics” data to detailed pathway analysis in Refsum’s disease.
Agnieszka Wegrzyn (Groningen/Netherlands)
 P62 Metabolic reprogramming in tumors by copy number co-alterations of proximal enzyme-coding and cancer-causing genes.
Rainer König (Jena/Germany)
 P63 Why one should prefer to use fractional calculus tools in bioengineering rather than conventional calculus’?
Özlem Öztürk Mızrak (Ankara/Turkey)
 P64 A mathematical model of gallbladder motility.
Krystian Kubica (Wroclaw/Poland)
 P65 Estimating clinical outcomes from a mechanistic model of acute leukemias using decision rules.
Dennis Görlich (Münster/Germany)
 P66 Multiscale drug simulations – from intracellular signalling pathways to physiological models.
Elin Nyman (Linköping/Sweden)
 P67 Automatic method to combine three model layers of the cell.
Cécile Moulin (Gif-sur-Yvette/France)
 P68 The geometry of a blood vessels bifurcation can affect the level of trophic damages under forming of a brain ischemic lesion.
Yaroslav Nartsissov (Moscow/Russian Federation)
 P69 Model-driven Data Analysis Identification of the Metabolic Reprogramming associated with Prostate Epithelial Cancer Stem Cells Independent of the EMT Program.
Marta Cascante (Barcelona/Spain)

Session 7 – Metabolic Pathway Analysis

 P70 The amount of organic phosphates (like DPG) existing in blood is determining factor of mammal’s bulk.
Ramin Amirmardfar (Tabriz/Islamic Republic Of Iran)
 P71 Wanted: The Best Models For Pathway Modeling.
Eberhard Voit (Atlanta/United States)
 P72 sAnalyzer: solution space analyser for metabolic pathway design.
Jurijs Meitalovs (Jelgava/Latvia)
 P73 Carbon Labeling Experiments: Economic Design à la Carte.
Katharina Nöh (Jülich/Germany)
 P74 Fast Minimal Network Finder.
Annika Röhl (Berlin/Germany)
 P75 Human Scale Metabolic Model(s).
Jean-Pierre Mazat (Bordeaux/France)
 P76 Identification of Target Knock Outs in Cupriavidus necator using Elementary Modes Analysis.
Nicole Pearcy (Nottingham/Great Britain)
 P77 Compartmentalisation and Visualisation of Metabolic Networks.
Thomas Pfau (Belvaux/Luxembourg)
 P78 Predicting compositions of microbial communities from stoichiometric models with applications for the biogas process.
Sabine Koch (Magdeburg/Germany)
 P79 Probability-based Enhancement Promotes the Automated Metabolic Modeling of Diverse Microbial Metabolisms.
Helena Mendes-Soares (Rochester/United States)
 P80 Metabolic pathway analysis in ageing mice.
Sarah Stolle (Groningen/Netherlands)
 P81 Modelling Central Carbon Metabolism of Acetobacterium Woodii DSM1030 Using A Genome-Scale Metabolic Model.
Noah Mesfin (Oxford/Great Britain)
 P82 Phylogenetic and modelling-based analyses of NAD metabolism: How differential precursor conversion drives signalling.
Mathias Bockwoldt (Tromsø/Norway)
 P83 Expediting construction of integrative kinetic models of metabolism with GRaPe.
Chuan Fu Yap (Manchester/Great Britain)
 P84 Construction and validation of a detailed kinetic model for muscle cell glycolysis.
Jacobus van Dyk (Stellenbosch/South Africa)
 P85 A dynamic metabolic flux analysis of Myeloid-derived suppressor cells involved in the immunosuppression phenomenon.
Mario Jolicoeur (Montréal/Canada)
 P86 Modelling genotype – phenotype relationship: from proteomic data to life-history traits in yeast.
Marianyela Sabina Petrizzelli (Gif-sur-Yvette/France)
 P87 Dynamic Simulation of Stored Red Blood Cells Central Carbon Metabolism.
Michel Prudent (Epalinges/Switzerland)
 P88 Exact quantification of cellular robustness in genome-scale metabolic networks.
Jürgen Zanghellini (Vienna/Austria)
 P89 Dynamic characterization of the carbon overflow metabolism in Yarrowia lipolytica.
Jorgelindo da Veiga Moreira (Palaiseau/France)
 P90 And then there were none: In silico predicted resensitisation of antibiotic resistance populations with metabolite supplementation strategies.
Anu Raghunathan (Pune/India)
 P91 Integration of RNAseq data in iFA762 model provides insight into the ectoines metabolism of the halophilic bacteria Chromohalobacter salexigens. Francine Amaral (Sevilla/Spain)
 P92 Systems Biology of the modified branched Entner-Doudoroff pathway in Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Ana Sofia Figueiredo (Magdeburg/Germany)
 P93 Workflows for fluxomics in the framework of PhenoMeNal project.
Pedro de Atauri (Barcelona/Spain)