Preliminary program of ISGSB 2016

Main venue: Auditorium maximum, Main building of Jena University, Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
 YSGSB Meeting: Lecture Hall 24, Main building of Jena University, Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
Carrier evening for YSGSB: Café Wagner in Wagnergasse lane
Conference dinner: Restaurant “Landgrafen” on hill with the same name
  • Click here for a map of the different venues.
  • Click here to download the conference programme.
  • Click here to download the conference programme including all abstracts.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

09.00 Registration for YSGSB
09:30-16:30 YSGSB Meeting
Lecture Hall 24
16:30 Registration for ISGSB
17:00-18:30 Opening lecture (Reinhart Heinrich lecture) 
A tribute to Reinhart Heinrich and mathematical modelling
Tom A. Rapoport (Harvard)
Auditorium maximum
19:00-22:00 Welcome Reception
Music event – please bring your scores and instruments

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Auditorium maximum

09:00-10:50 Session 1 “Infection modelling”
Barbara Bakker and Manja Marz
09:00 Invited talk: Diversity of immune receptor repertoires.
Aleksandra Walczak (Paris/France)
09:35 Virtual Infection-Inflammation Models of Aspergillus fumigatus in the Human Lung.
Sandra Timme (Jena/Germany)
10:00 Estimation of merozoite release quantity during growth of Plasmodium falciparum in red blood cell cultures.
Maria Oosthuizen (Stellenbosch/South Africa)
10:25 Mathematical modeling of plus-strand RNA virus genome replication to identify potential drug targets
Carolin Zitzmann (Greifswald/Germany)
10:50-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:20 Session 2 “Regulatory interactions and signalling”
Ines Heiland and Johannes Wöstemeyer
11:30 Invited talk: The NAD metabolome – bioenergetics, signalling and emerging therapeutic applications.
Mathias Ziegler (Bergen/Norway)
12:05 Inferring Co-evolution in Signaling Proteins and Regulatory RNAs by Maximum Entropy Based Approaches.
Alexander Schug (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/Germany)
12:30 Collective Behavior of Beta Cells in Pancreatic Tissue.
Marko Marhl (Maribor/Slovenia)
12:55 Modeling of signaling pathways in complex networks.
Leonie Amstein (Frankfurt am Main/Germany)
13:20-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:20 Session 3 “Plant physiology and development”
Ursula Kummer and Günter Theißen
14:30 NEW: Invited talk: Modeling the Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis.
Martin Lercher (Düsseldorf/Germany)
15:05 Mixotrophy in microalgae – diverse metabolic modes for utilisation of organic carbon in relation to photosynthesis.
Eva Albers (Göteborg/Sweden)
15:30 Constraint-based analysis in developing tomato fruit reveals the respiration climacteric.
Sophie Colombié (Villenave d’Ornon Cedex/France)
15:55 Multilevel modeling of ecosystems: Phaeodactylum tricornutum and its associated microbial community.
Antonella Succurro (Düsseldorf, Cologne/Germany)
16:20-16:50 Coffee break
16:50-18:30 Poster session
odd poster numbers
19:00-22:00 Carrier evening for YSGSB

Thursday, October 6, 2016

09:00-10:50 Session 4 “Biological thermodynamics”
Marta Cascante and Yaroslav Nartsissov
09:00 Invited talk: Mechano-energetic coupling in cardiac pumping and heart failure.
Daniel Beard (Ann Arbor, MI/United States)
09:35 Ultrasensitivity of multisite systems.
Christian Mazza (Fribourg/Switzerland)
10:00 Computer modeling of cytochrome c oxidase H+/e‐ efficiency.
Victoria Titova (Moscow/Russian Federation)
10:25 Thermodynamic and regulatory principles of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle.
Oliver Ebenhöh (Düsseldorf/Germany)
10:50-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:20 Session 5 “Optimality principles”
Christine Dillmann and Pu Li
11:30 Invited talk: Optimality, but not perfection.
Edda Klipp (Berlin/Germany)
12:05 Evaluating the stoichiometric and energetic constraints of cyanobacterial diurnal growth.
Alexandra-M. Reimers (Berlin/Germany)
12:30 Identification of Optimal Strategies for State Transition of Complex Biological Networks.
Meichen Yuan (Hangzhou/China)
12:55 Dynamic optimization of pathway regulation reveals the unexploited potential of toxic intermediates as drug targets.
Jan Ewald (Jena/Germany)
13:20-14:30 Lunch
13:45-14:45 Business meeting
14:30-16:20 Poster session
even poster numbers
16:30-17:30 Guided tour Jena
18:45-23:00 Conference dinner at “Landgrafen”

Friday, October 7, 2016

09:00-10:50 Session 6 “Multiscale systems medicine”
Gunnar Cedersund and Dominik Driesch
09:00 Invited talk: From systems biology to medical decision support.
Steen Andreassen (Aalborg/Denmark)
09:35 Living on the edge: substrate competition explains loss of robustness in mitochondrial fatty-acid oxidation disorders.
Karen van Eunen (Groningen/Netherlands)
10:00 Understanding disease and drug-effects at the whole body level in malaria patients.
Jacky Snoep (Stellenbosch, Amsterdam, Manchester/South Africa)
10:25 Investigating hypotheses describing the negative brain responses in fMRI using a systems biology approach.
Sebastian Sten (Linköping/Sweden)
10:50-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:20 Session 7 “Metabolic Pathway Analysis”
Athel Cornish-Bowden and Johann Rohwer
11:30 Invited talk: Genome-wide prediction of resource allocation in bacteria.
Anne Goelzer (Jouy-en-Josas/France)
12:05 Application of Elementary Modes analysis to a metabolic model of Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius for optimisation of butanol yield.
Hassan Hartman (Oxford/Great Britain)
12:30 A vicious cycle in mammalian fatty-acid oxidation.
Anne-Claire M.F. Martines (Groningen/Netherlands)
12:55 Identification and applications of moiety conservation relations for metabolic networks.
Hulda Haraldsdóttir (Belvaux/Luxembourg)
13:20 Closing ceremony